Saturday, January 24, 2009


This drawing is for an upcoming Valentine's Day show at Congregation of the Forgotten Saints on Melrose in Hollywood. The theme of the show is Forgotten Saints, where we created our own saint and their story. This piece will include my take on illuminated manuscripts where I'll draw out the story of myself, the forgotten saint. This piece is autobiographical, obviously.

In it I depict several miracles I've performed:

*being born awesome and ready to destroy
*playing video games every waking hour both in childhood and adulthood
*Drinking copious amounts of booze and regularly passing out (thankfully a thing of the past)
*Walking a couple of miles uphill with a friend because he wanted me there to help him make out with his girlfriend (i.e. I sat in the stairway and stared at the floor--a most miraculous feat!)

Also acts of maryrdom:

*dishing out and taking abuse from an old raggedy second grade teacher
*being abused by a fat ugly Evangelical Christian bitch babysitter.
*attempting to eat a 20 by 20 at in and out and failing

There are more, but you, my friendly viewers get the idea.

A higher resolution picture will follow.

Notably this is the first drawing of the year 2009, with the previous year's last drawing being this one I did for my friend Cyrus Helf. His dad is an Austrian deer hunter in Canada--had a lot of fun with this one!


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